If you're looking for a place to celebrate the birth of our Savior, then look no further. All are welcome at New Life! Whether you'd like to attend in person or online, we'd be happy to celebrate with you! We'll sing Christmas carols alongside contemporary worship songs, and finish the service with our traditional candle lighting.
Our services will be at 3:00 and 4:30 pm.
If you’d like to join us online, just click the link of the service you want to attend below!
What time should I plan to arrive?
We recommend arriving 10-20 minutes early so you can find your seat and prepare for worship. We'll have some family friendly games going before the service starts so everyone can get involved! You can find directions and more information about what to expect by clicking here: Plan Your Visit
What about my kids?
Our Christmas Eve service is catered towards the whole family, so we will not be offering childcare. We'll have "busy bags" ready to go for your little ones, and we do have a few places you can go if you need to step out with a small child. One of our greeters will be happy to show you the way!
Will there be refreshments?
You better believe it! We'll have hot cocoa, and Christmas treats for everyone!
Can I invite people to come with me?
Please do! We love meeting new people! In fact, share this graphic with them via email, Facebook, Instagram, or whatever you crazy kids are using these days!